Greetings Everyone,
For those who haven't met me, my soul's essence is known as Huggy Smiles Kindness, a Loving Kindness Faerie (fae/faem --> faerie pronouns). 
I've experienced that LovingKindness is a practice that is not a one-size-/one-fix-all but is unique as all the teacups at tea parties + antique shops around the globe - each one beautiful + magical in their artistic expression.  Just like each of us is unique, bringing our beauty + charm to this world + because of this, the way we each practice LovingKindness will be just as unique as we are. Through our collective efforts + the educational/experiential activities provided throughout this podcast, I believe we (humanity) have a real shot at shifting our engagements from reciprocating violence to a new paradigm in reciprocating kindness, understanding, + celebration of our shared human existence.
I welcome each of you to the "Tea Time - A Cup of LovingKindness" podcast series (also referred to as the LovingKindness.LAND, "The Community Garden").  LovingKindness.LAND is a space where we come together to enjoy a cup of LovingKindness + to be seen in the light for who we are.  A gathering place where we are met with understanding + non-judgment as we stumble + rise together in learning new wholehearted ways of being with each other.  So worthy mentioning again, I am happy + excited YOU are here!  Please join me in the Community Garden to partake in this cultivation of LovingKindness.
With love, light, laughter,
Huggy Smiles Kindness

[p] 314-809-4562 (call/text/vm)
Sweet Divine Love,
I call upon you + the energies of Reiki to warm all of our hearts in connecting with one another as if we were carrying our brother or loving each other like a mother.  Thank you, Michael Jackson, for the magic you shared with us + through the song, "Will You Be There," from the movie, "Free Willy."
As a fun way of saying thank you in helping me to extend LovingKindness to myself + bringing my passion for singing out of the closest after 15 years, here is a cover I renditioned in honor of you + your loving magic that still radiates.
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